Register Now!
*Registration includes breakfast snacks, boxed lunch and conference materials.
Early—Before April 17th
Tutors & Staff: $20.00
Students & AmeriCorps Members: $15.00
Late—After April 17th
Tutors & Staff: $25.00
Students & AmeriCorps Members - $20.00
Having trouble registering using Square? Register by filling out the google form below.
We will reserve your space at OTR and honor the price based on when you submitted your registration. The only difference is, you'll be asked to pay at the door.
LVI began by working with just four LVA programs, and today provides an array of resources and services to staff, tutors, and students in adult literacy programs statewide.
Literacy Volunteers of Illinois
100 South State St, Suite 437
Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: 312-857-1582
© 2022 / All Rights Reserved